Swan Getting Started & Debugging Guide

The Swan Development Board from Blues Wireless is a fully-featured board, which provides access to the rich feature set of the onboard STM32L4 chip. The STMicroelectronics chip was selected, because of its industry leading technology along with its rich tooling and developer experience.

All together, the Swan enables developers anywhere on the spectrum of IoT newcomer to industry expert. This guide is intended to help you configure your machine for local development and debugging, using either the official VSCode plugin for Arduino or the STMCubeIDE.

Currently, the Swan supports development with STM32CubeIDE, Arduino IDE and VSCode.

Using STM32CubeIDE

Using Arduino IDE

Installing/Updating STM32duino in the Arduino IDE

  1. Add this to the Additional Boards URL in Preferences:


  1. After restarting Arduino, go to the "Tools / Boards / Boards Manager..." and search for "STM32 MCU based boards", and install the latest version.

  2. Navigate the your machine's local Arduino preference files.

  3. Remove the default 2.0.0 installation

    rm -rf 2.0.0
  4. Clone STM32duino into the Arduino STM32 hardware directory into the former 2.0.0 location

    git clone [<https://github.com/stm32duino/Arduino_Core_STM32.git>](<https://github.com/fpistm/Arduino_Core_STM32.git>) 2.0.0
  5. Restart Arduino

Using STM32duino in the Arduino IDE

  1. Under Tools > Board:, Select "STM32 Boards groups" and "Generic STM32L4 series"

    Screen Shot 2021-09-02 at 4.52.55 PM.png